Friday, April 4, 2008

North Carolina Super delegate FOR SALE?

Barack Obama has received a bit of a boost lately from super delegates and one has to wonder why? Well it could be that one would only have to look at donations to get an idea of what might be going on behind closed doors.

Example #1 is Rep. Heath Shuler is a super delegate Unpledged; however he has received a donation from Barack Obama or his campaign in the eye and wallet popping amount of 10,000.00! Will this have any influence on his Super Delegate vote? Was it right for him to accept this sizable “donation” considering the import of his vote in this primary?

A North Carolina super delegate has received a whopping $10,000.00 from Barack Obama. The Clinton campaign has donated $00.00 compared to the massive Obama sum of $10,000.00.

From the point of view of an everyday voter this certainly does look like back room deals are being struck or is there an attempt to “buy” super delegate votes from the voters of North Carolina? Is a North Carolina politician able to be bought? Though North Carolina voters should not feel alone, there is pattern of enormous donations to super delegates and it is repeated across the country. We will be taking a look at each and every one of them. The voters of this nation have a RIGHT to the TRUTH which the mass media is working hard to enable the Obama campaign to hide from voters.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Is Barack Obama buying Indiana Super delegates?

Barack Obama has received a bit of a boost lately from super delegates and one has to wonder why? Well it could be that one would only have to look at donations to get an idea of what might be going on behind closed doors.

Example #1 is Rep. Brad Ellsworth is a super delegate Unpledged; however he has received a donation from Barack Obama or his campaign in the eye and wallet popping amount of 10,000.00! Will this have any influence on his Super Delegate vote? Was it right for him to accept this sizable “donation” considering the import of his vote in this primary?

Example #2 is Rep. Joe Donnelly is a super delegate Unpledged; however he has received a donation from Barack Obama or his campaign in the not inconsiderable amount of $7,500.00! Will this have any influence on his Super Delegate vote? Was it right for him to accept this sizable “donation” considering the import of his vote in this primary?

Example #3 is Rep Baron Hill is a super delegate Unpledged; however he has received a donation from Barack Obama or his campaign in the substantial amount of 12,500.00! He also accepted a donation for Hillary Clinton or the Hillary Clinton campaign in the generally acceptable amount of $2500.00. Will this have any influence on his Super Delegate vote? Was it right for him to accept this sizable “donation” considering the import of his vote in this primary?

Indiana super delegates have received a whopping $32,500.00 from both the Obama and Clinton campaigns combined. The Clinton campaign has donated a paltry $2500.00 compared to the massive Obama sum of $30,000.00.

From the point of view of an everyday voter this certainly does look like back room deals are being struck or is there an attempt to “buy” super delegate votes from the voters of Indiana? Are Indiana lawmakers able to be bought? Though Indiana voters should not feel alone, this pattern of donations to super delegates is repeated across the country and we will be taking a look at each and every one of them. The voters of this nation have a RIGHT to the TRUTH which the mass media is working hard to enable the Obama campaign to hide from voters.


Monday, March 31, 2008

Pennsylvania Super delegates FOR SALE?

Barack Obama has received a bit of a boost lately from super delegates and one has to wonder why? Well it could be that one would only have to look at donations to get an idea of what might be going on behind closed doors.

Example #1 is Rep. Patrick Murphy is a super delegate pledged to Barack Obama coincidently received a donation from or on behalf of Barack Obama or his campaign in the eye and wallet popping amount of 18,826.00! That is the 3rd largest donation NATIONALLY by or on behalf of Barack Obama I can locate as of this date.

Example #2 is Congressman Chris Carney who is a super delegate unpledged but has received a donation from or on behalf of Barack Obama or his campaign in the enormous amount of 12,500.00! This donation is in the highest bracket of donations by or on behalf of Barack Obama.

Example #3 is Congressman Jason Altmire who is a super delegate unpledged but has received a donation from or on behalf of Barack Obama or his campaign in the enormous amount of 10,000.00! This donation is in the highest bracket of donations by or on behalf of Barack Obama.

Example #4 Congressman Chaka Fattah who is a super delegate pledged to Barack Obama coincidentally received a donation from or on behalf of Barack Obama or his campaign in the amount of 4,000.00!

Pennsylvania super delegates have received a whopping 80,326.00 from both the Obama and Clinton campaigns combined. The Clinton campaign has donated a paltry 20,000.00 compared to the massive Obama sum of 60,326.00.

From the point of view of a simple voter this certainly does look like back room deals are being struck in the name of the voters of Pennsylvania. Are Pennsylvania lawmakers able to be bought? Though Pennsylvania voters should not feel alone, this pattern of donations to super delegates is repeated across the country and we will be taking a look at each and every one of them. The voters of this nation have a RIGHT to the TRUTH which the mass media is working hard to enable the Obama campaign to hide from voters.


Friday, March 28, 2008

Obama sets race relations back 30 years

We do receive death threats since we, our little group, stated making our opinions known and we regularly receive emails from people who obviously have no comprehension of civil rights or racial issues now or in the past. Below is an email I received and it is followed by my response, please note this response is my personal response.

Email we received:
if hillary wins, it will be at any cost.she has no grace,with each passing day the inevitable coronation she feels entitled is diminishing right before our eyes.beautiful,this is not a fucking dynasty.bush,clinton,bush,clinton its something fundamentally wrong with that dont you think¿think? now last but not least if you know any black older people who have been oppressed they thoughts doesnt differ much from rev wright,shame on america for promoting legalizing and terrorizing the very same people who were their slaves cooks & they just past the civil rights law not even 50 years aqo,c,mon!!!!

My Response:
You attempt to lecture me on civil rights, yet you show you have no concept of civil rights nor the the movement nor the progresses we have made. I have been part of the civil rights movement my entire life. What have you done? I know these "older black people" you speak of and they are quite disgusted by the words of Rev. Wright and the pandering of the "race" speech obama made. They found it mostly insulting. The radical movement of black liberation theology is new theology first and second it is based in holding on to old wrongs rather than moving past them. As a wonderful "older black man" recently said to me "jesus told us to turn the other cheek if we never do then we are still staring at old ugliness and that old ugliness aint there no more unless we put it there" these are the words of an 80+ year old southern black man, he also pointed out that this "rev" wright teaches only old testament which is pre jesus we are supposed to live by the new testament.
I know the civil rights fight in the south I have lived through the KKK so dont try and tell me I dont understand. You are sadly mistaken. My understanding doesnt come from photos and books it comes from real life real tears and real sacrifices, its hard for the younger people to judge what they did not live through when it is being taught to them from a racist and a bigot it only serves to propagate hatred instead of unity.
I have witnesses the bloody beaten bodies of racism I have witnessed the burning crosses I have witnessed the degradation of separate doors and water fountains and bathrooms and I have felt and seen the beauty and joy of the unity Dr. King brought to this country and Obama is no Dr. King and his understanding of the past struggles is limited to 20+ years in the pew of a racist hate spewing man. He has struggled for no equality he is a product of all the progresses we worked and struggled for yet rather than look at progresses he wants to fester the past and that will only bring it back.
I am sorry but for me this is personal. I sit here typing this and tears are running down my cheeks because of all the memories and all the sacrifices of the past and I see this man moving things backwards instead of forward and I see this country I love being divided so negatively when we have worked so hard for so long and made outstanding progress. I cant sit silently by while all those sacrifices and all those truths are ignored. Obama stood in Selma Alabama and LIED about Selma Alabama. As far as Hillary Clinton goes, she has actually WORKED hard for civil rights for special entitlements for black americans for education and for health care for everyone for years and years she has done more than just get elected to the next highest office she has actually WORKED to help all people. It is not about a dynasty it is about American and actually making it better for EVERYONE.
A Silenced Voter

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Howard Dean Stacking Credentials Committee Stealing Democracy

I did something I usually don’t do, I watched an interview with Carl Rove which aired on Fox News March 26 on the Greta Van Sustren Show. Carl Rove the originator of Rovian tactics made a statement about Howard Dean, chairman of the democratic party, which if true, to me as a Democrat, proves beyond much doubt Howard Dean is hijacking the Democratic Party. Carl Rove seemed almost in awe of Howard Dean’s tactics, as if Howard Dean has taken Rovian tactics to a new high or low depending on your view.

Carl Rove stated that Howard Dean had appointed 25 “Howard Dean loyalist” to the credentials committee and the remainder of the seats on the committee would be split between the candidates on a percentage basis. This is called stacking the deck. Lets put aside the utter lack of democratic leadership Howard Dean has shown and lets look at this delegate issue.

The chairman of the democratic party which espoused the slogan “Every Vote Counts” has sought for over a year to silence voters and strong arm the nomination process and completely negate the entire premise that every vote counts by refusing to count votes. He is not alone in the quest, John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama are very supportive of these efforts. Now, the only chance the voters of Michigan and Florida have is the credentials committee at the convention, which again if true this committee is being stacked in favor of silencing voters, utterly undemocratic. Why and what can be done about it?

I don’t think the why is hard to surmise. Howard Dean’s own comments in the past ring loudly in light of his recent actions, he stated he would rather be president than be right, that indicates a deep seeded yearning for the ultimate power in the United States. He silently ignored New Hampshire’s rules violation and never sought to penalize New Hampshire voters while seeking blood from the voters of Michigan and Florida by way of negation of all votes. Debbie Dingell Michigan DNC rep stated on CNN on March 5th that Howard Dean had come to Michigan and made promises that the votes of Michigan would be counted. . Was this early delegate issue allowed to fester even exacerbated by Howard Dean in order to manipulate the nomination process? Now the accusation that he is stacking the credentials committee

To the democratic party elders, this is supposed to be the democratic party not the radical leftist party. Remember swift boat because you are about to be in one again. You must stop this and return democracy to the party without a viable center candidate all democrats will be rowing in the Rev. Wright swift boat away from Washington in November instead of marching in victoriously.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Barack Obama & Speech on Race.its not ok

Barack Obama gives a political speech that should have been given from a pulpit not a political podium.

He stated “Did I know him to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy? Of course. Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes. Did I strongly disagree with many of his political views? Absolutely – just as I’m sure many of you have heard remarks from your pastors, priests, or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed.” The problem with the words and sentiment is that he did not leave he chose to continue sitting in that pew and listening to these hateful divisive sentiments spewed from the pulpit and supporting these sentiments in doing so.

He then goes on. “But the remarks that have caused this recent firestorm weren’t simply controversial. They weren’t simply a religious leader’s effort to speak out against perceived injustice. Instead, they expressed a profoundly distorted view of this country – a view that sees white racism as endemic, and that elevates what is wrong with America above all that we know is right with America; a view that sees the conflicts in the Middle East as rooted primarily in the actions of stalwart allies like Israel, instead of emanating from the perverse and hateful ideologies of radical Islam” The problem here is the “religious leader” was teaching. He was infecting his congregation with these ideas and thoughts and you sat there, by your own admission and accepted it and in doing so you encouraged it and added your agreement with it by silently sitting there for all those years.

He then goes on… “Given my background, my politics, and my professed values and ideals, there will no doubt be those for whom my statements of condemnation are not enough. Why associate myself with Reverend Wright in the first place, they may ask? Why not join another church? And I confess that if all that I knew of Reverend Wright were the snippets of those sermons that have run in an endless loop on the television and You Tube, or if Trinity United Church of Christ conformed to the caricatures being peddled by some commentators, there is no doubt that I would react in much the same way” Mr. Obama, no the “snippets” are not all you knew, again by your own admission, this has gone on for a long period of time Mr. Obama and you chose to remain you chose to continue to support, until such time as it is not politically convenient any longer.

When you followed the above comments with “The man I met more than twenty years ago is a man who helped introduce me to my Christian faith, a man who spoke to me about our obligations to love one another; to care for the sick and lift up the poor.” I wondered if that would be the same as the creed your church has….The BLACK community….The BLACK work ethic….The Black Family did or does it continue with to care for the BLACK sick and lift up the BLACK poor by housing the BLACK homeless, ministering to the BLACK needy, providing BLACK day care services and BLACK scholarships and BLACK prison ministries, and reaching out to those BLACKS suffering from HIV/AIDS? Disgusting statement isn’t it. You can not get away from you choice and the creed of the church you chose to attend for 20+ years.
Barack Obama gave a speech this morning that basically said ignore the 20+ years I have supported this church and believed in this pastor and absorbed his teaching and considered him my mentor, but don’t hold my choice to attended a racially divisive and radically racially separatist church against me, just love me because I am the only one that can bring unity.

“But we do need to remind ourselves that so many of the disparities that exist in the African-American community today can be directly traced to inequalities passed on from an earlier generation that suffered under the brutal legacy of slavery and Jim Crow.” Mr. Obama there are inequalities in every single race in this country, many of those races have never experienced slavery in their heritage or in America’s history. The most despicable thing you and your minister and your church are doing is re-victimizing black Americans. Further you short change black Americans by saying as a whole black America will not get past the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow and seize the opportunities of today. This is what is pushing black Americans down today this entire defeatist mentality.

You’re a racist Mr. Obama and you subscribe to racism and have for 20+ years and I for one don’t want that in the White House.