Barack Hussein Obama was born to a Muslim father and an non Muslim mother. Ok, he did not have any say who his birth parents were, so you have to start with some measure of scepticism, but we shall continue. To effectively answer the question of Mr. Obama's beliefs you have to ask yourself if you are seeking the public persona or the private Mr. Obama and does one influence the other?
Mr. Obama portrays himself as middle of the road non secular Christian. Your basic average Sunday morning church kinda guy, pretty much Mr. Wholesome. I will add its an image he fits to a tee and the media and the public has quite obviously become spellbound by this carefully structured Kennedyesk charm and spent no time looking past the public persona. This seems to be due, at least in part, to the fact that he is one half black, almost as if everyone as gone overboard to prove they are not bigots. Personally I was thrilled at the possibility of a non divisive black person running for president, in the past our choices have been more than alittle polarizing. I think as a nation we WANT a viable non polarizing black candidate, I know I do but have we found one or have we found a carefully contrived public persona, designed possibly by failed presidential candidates, and sold to us en mass?
There are two literal definitions for Muslim
1. Islamic Muslim- this definition is very important because it includes both a literal and cultural definition of Muslim.
a. Literal- An adherent to Islam
b. Cultural- One who is born to a Muslim man (the Jewish faith has a similar cultural practice) or someone who identifies with the Muslim culture but is nonpracticing or unobservant.
2. Black Muslim- This is a form of Cultural Muslim beliefs in some arenas; however I believe that since it too as its own literal and cultural definitions and is in and of itself its own belief system to lump Black Muslim in with Islamic Muslim does not do the belief system justice, nor the reader, nor the believers of said system.
a.Literal- A adherent to the tenet's of the Nation of Islam once headed by "the prophet Elijah Mohammad" and currently headed by Louis Farrakhan.
b. Cultural-Someone who identifies with the teachings of the Nation of Islam but is not a practitioner of the tenants of the Nation of Islam.
The above definitions are rather easy to sort through with reference to Mr. Obama. I think it is more than relatively safe to say Mr. Obama is not a practicing Islamic Muslim as Islamic Muslims would define. Yes he was born to a Muslim man; however I must state I do not think it is correct to hold someone to an accident of birth of which he had no control, although one must consider how this would reflect on him and our country considering the possibility of future Middle East visits and negotiations, they can be very strict in the adherence to Islam and may not view a born Muslim who turned his back on the Muslim faith in very high regard. It is a situation that will, in the future, possibly need to be explored.
Then there is the Black Muslim definition which is rather a bit more sticky when it comes to Mr. Obama. There are things to take into consideration. The church Mr. & Mrs. Obama attend is secular black, it appears to be so by choice. Some refer to the church as militant black; however I believe they would choose something more along the lines of a strong black christian church. The churches exclusionistic black direction is not terribly bothersome in and of itself, but when you couple that with the activities and teachings and associates of Mr. Obama's minister and, by Mr. Obama's own admission, his mentor the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, you start to run into a bit of a thicket.
The Rev. Jeremiah Wright has not only taken a trip to Lybia with Louis Farrakhan to visit with Muammar Qaddafi but the churches magazine, the Trumpet, which is run by the Reverend Wright's daughter, gave a LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD to LOUIS FARRAKHAN Leader of the Nation of Islam. Stating Louis Farrakhan "truly epitomized greatness", to honor, in such a way, this kind of man that preaches separatism and expounds on hate from his pulpit and by his own addmission may have had a hand in the MURDER of Malcolm X because of his hate speech from the pulpit. Apparently, for those who are not aware some say, Louis Farrakhan had "called for", the death of Malcolm X as per their church beliefs had committed the sin of adultery and the punishment their faith subscribes to or did was death, hence he was very soon there after murdered in front of his 6 year old daughter. Such associations are in no way tolerable for any presidential candidate.
Further in the 2008 Ohio Debate, when questioned Mr. Obama continually referred to Louis Farrakhan as "Minister Farrakhan" rather than Mr. or Louis. Minister, in this situation is most definitely being used as a title of respect. This was MUCH MUCH MORE THAN TROUBLING. When you couple the birth with the chosen church and its teachings with Mr. Obamas mentor and minister with Mr. Obamas mentor and ministers associates and activities, you have an enormous problem. What you have is someone who privately holds to the beliefs of separatism rather than pluralism and such a thing at a time when we need Civil Rights advances for EVERYONE not division and retardation in the rights that have been won and the hard fought gains in equality.
After reviewing several things such as the table below, which I have labeled Comparison Table 1 on the left side you see some of the statements the church, up until recently, listed on their website as their tenet's or things they stand for. The comparison on the right is mearly switching the color and I am sure anyone will see how offensive both sides become. Let me make abundantly clear, there is nothing wrong or incorrect about having pride in you history or passing you culture on your the next generation, or choosing to live by your cultural heritage. These are things EVERY culture desperately needs to keep it alive, however it can not be part of an separatist or personally exclusionalist pattern of behavior, particularly in the case of a presidential candidate. Just as an example, Jerry Falwell lives a separatist lifestyle but professes a pluralist belief. Something like, I believe in Civil Rights for all, but my church and my teaching are very exclusionary particularly in reference to gays and lesbians and people who do not believe in his faith.
Comparison Table One
Trinity Unity Christian Church_____________Offensive Color Reversal
Commitment to the Black family_____________Commitment to the White family
Commitment to the Black Community__________Commitment to the White Community
Embrace the Black Value System_____________Embrace the White Value System
Pledge Allegiance to Black Leadership______Pledge Allegiance to White Leadership
I personally, find these list to both be EXTREMLEY offensive. If we as human beings continue to see the world in color we will never get past black and white and yellow and green, we as a people, human beings, are not a box a crayons.
I know, we have alot to be proud of, I also know we have along way to go. The awareness that a vast majority of the next generation is color blind and as a mother I am personally very proud of that, but there is still far to go. Pride in any culture is not and should not be exclusionary or teach separatist ideals, because we will never come together if we are teaching separatism.
I find it quite interesting that Mrs. Obama's Princeton Thesis was on a very similar set of parameters and upon review of this study she leads you to believe she may have found the personal answer she was looking for in a separatist personal life and a pluralist public life. Shame on you,to publicly profess pluralism and privatly live and teach your children sepratism, which appears to be the case.
There are two Mr. Obama's, there is the Mr. Obama public persona and the private Mr. Obama. Unfortunately the private Mr. Obama is too close to zealot like hate and separatist ideals for my taste. I would never vote for Jerry Falwell or one of his followers for the exact same reason I will not vote for any zealot and I can not tolerate hate or its associates.
In conclusion Mr. Obama is NOT an Islamic Muslim nor is he really a Black Muslim; however his church and its beliefs and his personal lifestyle leads me to feel his church has carved our a psedo Black Muslim Chirstian belief system.
After so much research into Mr. Obama's beliefs and religion I have been forced to continue on so further updates will be his views on health care, the truth is more than a bit disillusioning, which will include how he has actually handled health care in his Illinois district and Mrs. Obamas surprise promotion and HUGE raise upon his being elected, also there appears to be some intrigue building as to his sudden rise to run, with sooo much money, for president. Who is behind this, you may be surprised and unfortunately saddened.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
2008 Ohio Democratic Debate Barack Obama Hillary Clinton
I was NOT disappointed tonight! In my humble opinion, Hillary Clinton blew Barack Obama out of the water tonight. Heathcare was one of the major issues of the debate tonight and I am very distressed by some of the references I keep hearing from Mr. Obama. He keeps referencing Maryland and its unsuccessful attempt to insure all its citizens, he keeps stating 20% are exempted because they can not afford it, this comparison is inadequate to say the least and currently I believe we have a much much higher precentage of unisured. Further he repeatedly lauds the fact that Hillary Clinton's healthcare plan has mandates. Mr. Obama Your plan has MANDATES as well further it is NOT UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE and MR. Obama's plan has NO WAY TO GET TO UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.
I would love to see healthcare available in this country for EVERYONE, it is blatently inhumane for our fellow human beings to be unable to obtain the healthcare they require, to live with the worry of chest pains that you cant afford to see the doctor about, to skip the physical that may have found something early enough because you cant afford to go to the doctor all because of Money and Insurance no I am afraid on this subject half way is just not going to be good enough.
Then the subject of NAFTA came up. Hillary answered the questions honestly I felt. She acknowledged that NAFTA had benefitted some parts of the country and devistated others and she offered a way to bring DIGNITY back to the middle class. Mr. Obama basically mimiced everything she said and listed a long list of wonderful things that would be great to work towards but those things wont bring the work back where as Hillary offered a way to bring new longterm sustainable industry into areas were NAFTA has not been a benefit. She did not try to hide that NAFTA has not worked everywhere as Mr. Obama seemed to think she would or has, he completely negated her record of trying to toughen trade relations and her critical statements about NAFTA.
Then the subject of Forgien Policy and Iraq reared its ugly head, as we all knew it would. Mr. Obama keeps going back to Hillary Clintons vote, which was not hers alone, granting the president of the United States authority to use force. Ok, he is right she did vote yes; however not only is hindsight 20/20 but there are acouple of points to make here. Hillary was and is a United States Senator, she actually had to vote on this at one of the worst times in recent history and she voted yes along with the majority of the Senate for many reasons but lets take into account that Mr. Obama was a STATE Senator and he did not have to actually cast that very burdensom vote. One more point on the whole Iraq issue, Hillary was privy to briefings, that Mr. Obama was not, these briefings were designed to falsify information to our elected officials with the direct intention of getting this authorization passed. Do not fault her for what the majority of this country wanted at the time and do not fault her for our current adminstration lying to our elected officials and to the entire American public. Last point on this, Mr. Obama has a figure head title on a dummy subcommitte which appears to be designed with the intention of making it appear he has some foriegn policy experience. Hollow very hollow. That of course would be a worst case; however it could simply be he has yet to exactly do anything there, Washington that is, as soon as he got there the rush for the White House began.
Ummmmmm, could it be Mr. Obama has been set up to run and enough money to win so that we have a puppet president with someone else pulling the strings, wonder who that could be?
But I must say the BOMB of the evening was that it seemed to take pressure from Hillary Clinton to actually get Barack Obama to denounce the endorsment of Lewis Farrakhan, and Mr. Obama repeatedly called him "Minister Farrakhan" which is a title of respect, personally I found that offensive, but the hemming and hawing about actually coming out and saying I reject the endorsment he spewed hot air until he got cornered and had no choice, nor to my satisfaction did he address the trip his minister took, with "Minister Farrakhan". I find some of the company he keeps and their views quite questionable, and no I do not mean his supporters, I am referencing his minister as well as his own comfort level with "Minster Farrakhan".
I find no appreciation for hate or its associates.
My message to both candidates is......
I would love to see healthcare available in this country for EVERYONE, it is blatently inhumane for our fellow human beings to be unable to obtain the healthcare they require, to live with the worry of chest pains that you cant afford to see the doctor about, to skip the physical that may have found something early enough because you cant afford to go to the doctor all because of Money and Insurance no I am afraid on this subject half way is just not going to be good enough.
Then the subject of NAFTA came up. Hillary answered the questions honestly I felt. She acknowledged that NAFTA had benefitted some parts of the country and devistated others and she offered a way to bring DIGNITY back to the middle class. Mr. Obama basically mimiced everything she said and listed a long list of wonderful things that would be great to work towards but those things wont bring the work back where as Hillary offered a way to bring new longterm sustainable industry into areas were NAFTA has not been a benefit. She did not try to hide that NAFTA has not worked everywhere as Mr. Obama seemed to think she would or has, he completely negated her record of trying to toughen trade relations and her critical statements about NAFTA.
Then the subject of Forgien Policy and Iraq reared its ugly head, as we all knew it would. Mr. Obama keeps going back to Hillary Clintons vote, which was not hers alone, granting the president of the United States authority to use force. Ok, he is right she did vote yes; however not only is hindsight 20/20 but there are acouple of points to make here. Hillary was and is a United States Senator, she actually had to vote on this at one of the worst times in recent history and she voted yes along with the majority of the Senate for many reasons but lets take into account that Mr. Obama was a STATE Senator and he did not have to actually cast that very burdensom vote. One more point on the whole Iraq issue, Hillary was privy to briefings, that Mr. Obama was not, these briefings were designed to falsify information to our elected officials with the direct intention of getting this authorization passed. Do not fault her for what the majority of this country wanted at the time and do not fault her for our current adminstration lying to our elected officials and to the entire American public. Last point on this, Mr. Obama has a figure head title on a dummy subcommitte which appears to be designed with the intention of making it appear he has some foriegn policy experience. Hollow very hollow. That of course would be a worst case; however it could simply be he has yet to exactly do anything there, Washington that is, as soon as he got there the rush for the White House began.
Ummmmmm, could it be Mr. Obama has been set up to run and enough money to win so that we have a puppet president with someone else pulling the strings, wonder who that could be?
But I must say the BOMB of the evening was that it seemed to take pressure from Hillary Clinton to actually get Barack Obama to denounce the endorsment of Lewis Farrakhan, and Mr. Obama repeatedly called him "Minister Farrakhan" which is a title of respect, personally I found that offensive, but the hemming and hawing about actually coming out and saying I reject the endorsment he spewed hot air until he got cornered and had no choice, nor to my satisfaction did he address the trip his minister took, with "Minister Farrakhan". I find some of the company he keeps and their views quite questionable, and no I do not mean his supporters, I am referencing his minister as well as his own comfort level with "Minster Farrakhan".
I find no appreciation for hate or its associates.
My message to both candidates is......
Ohio 2008 Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Debate
Well folks, the debate starts in approx 30 minutes. I know everyone was saying that Obama appeared so presidential in the last debate, but that is not what I saw. The debate I say he was stumbling over his words and in some cases making errors and to me Hillary appeared much more composed and able to stand up for things that need to be stood up for.
Before or after the debate you may want to check out a website I found most intresting, its quite factual with all the backup sources for the information, go to
I have a question for Mr.B.Obama, actually I have several but this one is a biggie,
My question for Mr. Obama, since the Muslim religion is very similar to the Jewish religion it is my understanding that if you are born to a Jewish mother you are considered born Jewish but that is not true if you are born to a non Jewish mother and a Jewish father you are not considered automatically Jewish. In the Muslim religion if you are born to a Muslim mother you are not considered automatically Muslim; however if you are born to a Muslim father you are automatically considered Muslim. (I AM NOT SAYING BARACK OBAMA IS A MUSLIM!)Considering this, in the Middle East someone who is born a Muslim and converts to Christianity has committed a sin which in their religion is punishable by death. How do you presume to gain any amount of respect in the Middle East when you will be viewed as less than a dog (their words not mine)? Because at this time in our history, the way the Middle East is handled is crucial for our security.
Well, I know that is one question that will not get asked.
My question to Hillary Clinton would be... What would you do to restore the rights that have been stripped form Americans durning this totalitarian rule we have endured for the last 8 years and restore our international respect so we do not have to pretend to be Canadian, for our own safety, when traveling abroad? EXACTLY how are you going to restore economic dignity to the middle class American?
I hope its a wonderful debate one full of INFORMATION to help us know both candidates better, see you after the debate!
Before or after the debate you may want to check out a website I found most intresting, its quite factual with all the backup sources for the information, go to
I have a question for Mr.B.Obama, actually I have several but this one is a biggie,
My question for Mr. Obama, since the Muslim religion is very similar to the Jewish religion it is my understanding that if you are born to a Jewish mother you are considered born Jewish but that is not true if you are born to a non Jewish mother and a Jewish father you are not considered automatically Jewish. In the Muslim religion if you are born to a Muslim mother you are not considered automatically Muslim; however if you are born to a Muslim father you are automatically considered Muslim. (I AM NOT SAYING BARACK OBAMA IS A MUSLIM!)Considering this, in the Middle East someone who is born a Muslim and converts to Christianity has committed a sin which in their religion is punishable by death. How do you presume to gain any amount of respect in the Middle East when you will be viewed as less than a dog (their words not mine)? Because at this time in our history, the way the Middle East is handled is crucial for our security.
Well, I know that is one question that will not get asked.
My question to Hillary Clinton would be... What would you do to restore the rights that have been stripped form Americans durning this totalitarian rule we have endured for the last 8 years and restore our international respect so we do not have to pretend to be Canadian, for our own safety, when traveling abroad? EXACTLY how are you going to restore economic dignity to the middle class American?
I hope its a wonderful debate one full of INFORMATION to help us know both candidates better, see you after the debate!
Howard Dean,The DNC & B. Obama Turn their backs on Civil Rights! WHY??
Approx 2.5 MILLION voters, that took their time and did their civic duty and VOTED, are being "punished" by Howard Dean, The DNC and B. Obama. These voters are being silenced, their voice is more than being ignored their only voice in government is being quashed by the very people which are supposed to seek to protect it, HOWARD DEAN CHAIRMAN OF THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMM.
Michigan's horrible offense was scheduling their primary 21 days sooner than HOWARD DEAN AND THE DNC wanted it scheduled, the problem is the Michigan primary was scheduled PER MICHIGAN STATE LAW, 21 days and 600,000 THOUSAND VOTERS a record turnout. There were 4 names on our ballot and 1 undecided. Barack Obama was supposed to be on the Michigan ballot; however HE WITHDREW HIS NAME FROM THE BALLOT, because he seems to see no problem with punishing voters, by negating their votes. Does he know what CIVIL RIGHTS MEANS??
It is coincidental that he was trailing in the polls here when he withdrew his name from the ballot. The Detroit Free Press reported on Feb. 16th on the front page "On Friday Obama said that he would let Michigan delegates join the convention if it is done without affecting the outcome", that means silence the voters. HOW DARE HE! This man is running for president of the United States, in case anyone has forgotten the United States of America is a Democracy which means we vote and we count every votes, black or white, rich or poor, dem or rep, every vote is supposed to count.
That is virtually the only voice we have our in our government, AND ITS BEING STOLEN.
Michigan's horrible offense was scheduling their primary 21 days sooner than HOWARD DEAN AND THE DNC wanted it scheduled, the problem is the Michigan primary was scheduled PER MICHIGAN STATE LAW, 21 days and 600,000 THOUSAND VOTERS a record turnout. There were 4 names on our ballot and 1 undecided. Barack Obama was supposed to be on the Michigan ballot; however HE WITHDREW HIS NAME FROM THE BALLOT, because he seems to see no problem with punishing voters, by negating their votes. Does he know what CIVIL RIGHTS MEANS??
It is coincidental that he was trailing in the polls here when he withdrew his name from the ballot. The Detroit Free Press reported on Feb. 16th on the front page "On Friday Obama said that he would let Michigan delegates join the convention if it is done without affecting the outcome", that means silence the voters. HOW DARE HE! This man is running for president of the United States, in case anyone has forgotten the United States of America is a Democracy which means we vote and we count every votes, black or white, rich or poor, dem or rep, every vote is supposed to count.
That is virtually the only voice we have our in our government, AND ITS BEING STOLEN.
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